Episode 47: Elise Bigley - Professional Makeup Artist & Hairstylist specializing in commercial, film, portrait and bridal artistry

“It’s not who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not.” - Elise Bigley

This Real Talk covers integral aspects of the Entrepreneur’s journey, how assessing fear can motivate you, and the best fuel for optimism.

I loved chatting with Elise Bigley - Professional Makeup Artist and Hairstylist specializing in commercial, film, portrait and bridal artistry.

Elise is a master at her craft, with over 20 years of experience in her industry. She shares how her love for makeup artistry started in her teenage years, and how becoming a mother motivated her to embark on her entrepreneurial journey. She transitioned to freelance work for both the freedom and to model a life to her kids that capitalized on opportunities, even if the path was unconventional.

Elise’s wisdom shines throughout this Real Talk as she discusses her approach to confronting fear, how previous challenges molded her to be more resilient, and her key piece of advice for people who want to create an entrepreneurial life for themselves.

One of my favorite lines from Elise was:

“A breakdown means a breakthrough.”

She spoke about how the bright side of life is only as bright as it is when contrasted with the dark times we’ve been through. It’s this balance and contrast that develops gratitude, which is essential for a positive outlook.

If you’re a go-getter and entrepreneur who is starting to build your personal brand, you’ll love the lessons that Elise shares in this Real Talk!

With so much love & gratitude,

Grace 💋

Connect with Elise

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