Most of my mom life, I’ve stuck to a pretty structured schedule. If things interrupted it - like a sick kid, a late client, or a missed flight - I’d fly straight into a tail spin. OMG my schedule, my plan, my control (p.s control is just an illusion but I will save that for another time)!!!

The last several months have shown me I can gain so much more by being flexible and going with the flow, rather than rigidly sticking to my schedule. Here’s why.

The benefits of flexibility

Being flexible helps build our stress tolerance and our resilience muscles. It can also light the way towards a new beginning or a better outcome; one we could never have imagined because we’re too busy sticking to our schedule!

This is because being flexible is a form of surrender. When we let go and surrender to the unexpected interruption (or as I call it, God or the Universe), solutions to our problems begin to manifest. It opens up the possibility for us to move in a different direction, and it’s almost always for our own good.

Right now, for the sake of our mental health, it’s critical to practice flexibility and going with the flow, instead of being stubborn and resistant. It helps us adjust to new circumstances and challenges, while being stubborn only creates more stress.

And really, what’s the worst thing that could happen if say, you can’t get garlic fries and have to go with animal style fries instead? You may learn that animal style fries are amazing!

A real life example of the power of flexibility

One of the keys to success is the ability to pivot when things don’t go as planned. I know two different women who did just this when COVID-19 hit.

Due to the pandemic, their businesses came to a standstill, which was both shocking and depressing. They took some time to process what had happened, and then made a commitment to ensure the ax thrown into their plan didn’t stop them.

One woman started making face coverings and the most delicious tamales you’ve ever tasted. The orders came in so quickly she didn’t have time to focus on the negativity swirling around her. The other lady did something similar. She’d always been a great baker so she started baking delicious pastries. Soon, her neighbors found out and she began selling them … and still is!

Both women lost their livelihoods overnight but they were open to being flexible, and ended up creating something new that they love.

Flex your flexibility muscles

Take a moment to think about one way you could be a little more flexible in your life right now. Then have a go and see what manifests. While you’re doing this, remember the Universe is consistently working in our favor,  so you may end up with an even better outcome than you anticipated.

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