Do you feel like it’s Groundhog day? I have heard the term recently from several people, where you feel like you’re just going through the same old motions, day after day. Being under the Shelter in Place order contributes to this, as it disconnects us from many of the people, places, and activities we’re used to; ones that help us escape and have fun. As a result, life tends to feel a bit ho hum.

Why you should mix it up a little

Our minds need variation and excitement, otherwise we get super bored. And failing to mix things up by persisting in doing the same things every day is the perfect recipe for boredom.

Think about it – if you already know exactly what’s on the cards for the whole week come Monday morning, it’s all too easy to get into a state of  ‘Ugh, F*^$ this!’

When we make an effort to change it up and break from our routine, it takes us out of our autopilot state and helps us feel more alive. Breaking our habits also activates our imagination and our sense of awe. This has a huge snowball effect. The more we change it up, the more awe and excitement we attract and so on. It’s a great way to combat the ‘Ugh, F*^$ this!’ state.

4 ways to get excited and engaged

1.      Change your routine

If you drive the same route to work each day, take a different route. If you get your coffee from the same Starbucks each day, go to a different one (there’s one every mile so it probably won’t be out of your way). If you order the same lunch special every day, try something new. If you walk your dog down the same street, walk down another one. Changing things up constantly means your mind doesn’t know what’s coming next. The excitement and anticipation of what new might be around the corner is the ultimate reward.

2.      Schedule play dates

Play dates aren’t just for kids! Take the time to play in many different ways, keeping that required social distance of course. Take a hike with someone in your close circle. Coordinate a Zoom cocktail party. Schedule a call with someone you haven’t connected with in a while, maybe from your backyard or a local park. Schedule in a night where you and your partner/family/friend cook something new you’ve never tried before (Ok, many of us are OVER cooking, but it still can be fun with a glass of wine and some hip shaking music playing).

3.      Challenge yourself

Has there been something you’ve always wanted to learn, but just haven’t found the time? There’s no better opportunity then now. The challenge of figuring it out will absolutely give your brain a jolt. If you’re not sure where to start, hit up YouTube. I know people who’ve taught themselves how to play an instrument, tile their bathroom floor, and even re-upholster their dining room chairs!

4.      Yes, I am going to say it - TikTok!

I was talking to my girlfriend the other day and she was telling me how she has been entertained by TikTok during this SIP. I was like what??? Come on, get out of here. Isn’t that for kids?

The only experience I had with TikTok was with my friend’s daughter. She talked me into doing a dance video and of course I couldn’t turn that down! So confession time – I’ve been watching TikTok and it is super fun! I love seeing people shake their booties and having fun. I’m trying to talk my family into doing a TikTok … but that ain’t happening LOL!

Just because we are in a pandemic, doesn’t mean we still can’t create fun and be fabulous. Just go for it. And while you’re at it, let me know the ways you’ve added some excitement to your day and jolt you out of your ‘Ugh, F*^$ this!’ state.  

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