You have a vision of where you want to go in your life and you’re working hard to achieve it, but something keeps holding you back. And it’s not a little something either – it’s a big one! It’s all got to do with encountering discouragement from other people, some of them very close to you. But I’m here to tell you why it shouldn’t matter, and what you need to do to keep chasing those dreams.

Facing opposition

When you’re working on bettering yourself, it’s almost inevitable you’ll come up against someone telling you what you want is not really possible. Not everyone is going to celebrate you; they’ll often judge you instead!

But what you need to remember here is that other people’s opinions are none of your business. Their need to judge is born out of their own fears and insecurities.

Pushing forward

If you have plans, a dream or a vision for your life, don’t let others have the power of holding you back with their judgment and criticism. Try not to take it personally. Simply smile instead and keep your head held high. If others want to see the glass as half full, that is totally their prerogative. You don’t have to buy into their way of thinking.

Instead, go forward. As you begin to take these steps, you might notice friends and acquaintances start to drop off, but guess what? You’ll make new ones who will be better aligned with your life goals. These new friends may even turn out to be the catalyst you need to guide you further on your journey of growth and abundance.

As a side note: your lifetime friends will always circle back around, and your relationship will likely be better. Sometimes we all just need some space to heal and grow.

It’s difficult, but so worth it

I know it’s disheartening when those closest to you don’t encourage you, or believe in your vision. After all, your vision is your soul telling you what you need to be happy, and you have to listen.

But I am here to tell you to GO FOR IT! Go for your dreams. Go for bettering yourself. Go for creating a better life. Don’t think small. Think BIG! Why not?? If our thoughts create our life, then why not create a life you’ve always dreamed about.

If you’re not sure where to start, begin by imagining what it would feel like to already have a life you love. Sit right in it like it has already happened. What does it feel like? Amazing, right?

I’ll leave you with this thought: greatness and abundance isn’t just for others. It is for you too. Start putting action towards your dreams, and don’t allow the criticism from others to distract you or get in your way. This is YOUR unique story so create it in any way you choose!

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