“If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”

- William Arthur Ward

I came across this quote recently and I freaked the F*&* out for a minute. Why? Because it instantly made me think about all the things I imagine when I get triggered and bent out of shape!

But on the flip side, when I imagine and dream about creating something positive, I know there has to be a way to achieve it. After all, God (or whatever you want to call your higher power), put this thought in my mind for a reason, right?

No limits

Many years ago, I had a mountain of limitations placed upon what I could do and achieve. I was told I would be pregnant and tied to the kitchen by age 18, and that I wasn’t worthy, literally the lowest of the low.

But I had a different dream for my life. Something deep inside of me believed I could do and be more. When I look back now and see how far I’ve come, it’s difficult to wipe the big old smirk off my face!

Our reason for dreaming big

We imagine or dream something because we believe it will make us feel better than what we’re feeling right now. It might be a better job or relationship, or the chance to learn something new so we can grow. Our imagination and dreams are a key way for us to not only visualize a life we love, but create it too.

Taking the first steps

The last time we connected, I talked about pushing forward towards your dream, even if others don’t support you. Today, I’m going to give you a few steps to help you get closer to your dream, be it a new job, starting your own business, attracting the right partner, or just bringing a little harmony into your life.

The steps

1.      Get a journal

Go out and find yourself a paper journal – something that speaks to you and that you love looking at. Yes, I know you could type your entries on a computer, but some science suggests an energy shift occurs when you physically put pen to paper, crafting emotion into the words. And that’s definitely something you want when you’re dreaming big!

2.     Commit it to paper

Write down what you want. Go ahead and dream big, and then get it all down in ink. Some coaches say it’s best to be very specific, while others encourage you to be general about what you want. My take is to do whatever you feel guided to do. Sometimes we know exactly what we want, but other times we aren’t sure of the specifics and that’s ok too. The main thing is to attach feelings to the dreams you write down.

 3.   Visualize

It’s likely you’ll have a number of dreams listed in your journal. Pick one and then sit quietly, imagining this dream has already manifested. Let the feelings of your dream wash over you, imagine you are already there, you’ve achieved it. If you find that difficult, guide yourself back to a past memory when you felt exhilarated and amazing.

 4.    Repeat the process

Several times a week, take out your journal and focus on that dream, imagining yourself already there. You’ll soon find that once you put the energy of your desire into the universe, opportunities will show up that will lead you towards your dream. I also recommend focusing on the one dream for at least 21 days, and then repeating this same exercise again with your next dream.

Good luck with the process! I’d love to hear how you go, and what you’re able to bring into your life from this simple, yet powerful exercise.


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