I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe, as we all collectively deal with the unimaginable impact of COVID-19. Even amongst all the uncertainty and fear, there are rays of sunshine and opportunities for growth. But you have to be brave enough to shift your mindset to find them.

Feeling unfocused and unproductive?

During the past few weeks, I’ve connected with many friends and colleagues. Some are trained coaches and mental health professionals, while others are CEOs and high level corporate executives. All are typically driven and always on the go go go. 

Many of them shared the fact they’ve been feeling demotivated and are having a hard time concentrating. Many have gone into self judgement mode, comparing themselves to others on social media who they feel are ‘killing it’.

I understand their feelings as I’ve experienced the very same, falling into a place of self-judgment and berating myself for not doing more with all this extra time I have on my hands. But friends, it is absolutely normal to feel unfocused right now. Our lives have been pulled right out from under us and as a collective, we’re all feeling sadness and fear.

A gift in the darkness

Instead of worrying about being productive, take some time to take stock of the amazing gift this downtime is giving us – the ability to practice being a human being instead of a human doing.

In our everyday lives, it’s natural for us to default to being a human doing. Doing distracts us from dealing with all the crap we really don’t want to face. But right now, we’re being forced to just sit, be, and feel. And it’s astounding the power this gives us.

Giving ourselves permission to be and feel ultimately provides us with insights and awareness we rarely have the time to tap into. When we finally have the chance to get quiet and go deep within, we give our mind the opportunity to bring to the surface creative solutions to our challenges.

Dealing with whatever comes up

Being and feeling will likely bring up things you’re afraid or worried about. I know you know exactly what I’m talking about. But here’s the thing - feeling the crap, owning it, and letting it go is the very best way to achieve focus. It will ground you and allow you to invite inspiration to get productive.

Give it a try

If, like me, you’re normally addicted to being a human doing, take this chance to just allow yourself to BE. I promise you the benefits will far outweigh the worries you’ve got going on in your mind.

And when it comes to working, go easy on yourself. If you’re used to cranking out the hours but just can’t right now, that is ok. Try instead to work in smaller blocks. Set a timer for an hour and then give yourself a break.

If you’re stuck or need a little extra help with your focus, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to support you in any way I can as you take this important time to reset.

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