Each and every year, we feel like we should set some all-important New Year’s resolutions. But if you’re anything like me, you write down the same list year after year, and feel totally lazy when you don’t achieve most of it!

This year, I decided to throw that resolution list out the window and try something new. I’d like to share the idea with you in the hopes it will help create a better you in 2020.

Why resolutions don’t work

Before we get to my new idea, let’s talk about resolutions and why we don’t often hit them.

It all comes down to the WHY inspiring you to meet your resolution. If it’s not big enough, you’ll never get there. Here’s a real life example:

Perhaps you have a friend or relative who’s having a really hard time quitting smoking. One day, they visit their doctor, who tells them their health is in danger. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they are amazingly able to quit smoking cold turkey!

This is the perfect illustration of how important it is to have the right ‘why’. It’s the fuel that motivates you to reach your goal and your resolution to be better.

A new way

This year, instead of writing down my standard list of resolutions, I wrote down a list of intentions. These focus on how I want to feel in this new year. Then I sat down in a quiet space and really imagined what it both looks and feels like to have achieved them. Running this exercise on a daily basis has given me amazing focus and clarity, while also allowing me to attach emotions to my intentions. And guess what? I’ve already hit my first intention!

Here’s how it works

Find a time when you can be alone in a quiet space. Think of an intention – let’s say it’s to get healthy – and write it down. Next, write down what that intention will allow you to do, be, or have. For example, it will give you more energy, make you feel more comfortable in your skin, and allow you to once again participate in activities you enjoy.

Now close your eyes and start having some fun with your imagination. Visualize your future self at the point of health you want to be. How does it feel to be your healthy improved self – are you happy, excited, energized, empowered? Really lean into feeling these emotions, allowing yourself to truly enjoy them.

Do this exercise daily for 21 days. After that, pick a new intention and commit to daily practice for the next 21 days and so forth.

What have you got to lose?

I know this exercise sounds out of the box. You’re likely reading this and shaking your head!  But as the great man Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions”.

The key is to add emotions to our imaginings. Giving our thoughts tangible feelings is the perfect fuel for action. And action is what we need, as no one ever got healthy by sitting on their couch!

Take the time to visualize and feel your future healthy self (or whatever intention you’ve set) for 21 days, and your unconscious mind will start to help you take action it. Give it a go and see where it takes you. You haven’t got anything to lose!

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